Concerned about the space in your yard or the maintenance or safety of a pond? Try a pondless water feature.

A pondless water feature is simply a circulating waterfall and/or stream without the presence of a pond. You can now enjoy the sights and sounds of running water without the maintenance or space required for a pond. The waterfall is undoubtedly the most beautiful and favored feature in a water garden, so if space is limited where you live in Essex County or you have safety concerns with a pond, why not build a pondless water feature?

Pondless water feature options:

Single Waterfall
6' Stream
custom sizes available

Single Pondless Waterfall

Single Pondless Waterfall

6' Pondless Stream

6' Pondless Stream


Components of a Pondless Water Feature

Pondless water features or disappearing waterfalls are gorgeous works of art where the water crashes down the falls and disappears into a bed of river rock when in fact it is just stored in an underground reservoir. Water held within the reservoir, below the decorative layer of gravel, flows from a submersible water pump contained within a protective waterfall vault. The waterfall vault protects the pump from being clogged and reduces pump maintenance.

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We only use Aquascape products

All of our pondless water features are designed and built to recreate the beauty of nature and we only use Aquascape products because we are committed to giving our Essex County customers nothing short of the best.

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Pondless water feature inspiration

Every pondless water feature is unique but our past projects in Essex County are a great starting point to creating YOUR paradise.