Your Essex County, MA water feature maintenance professionals.

If you live in Essex County, annual water feature maintenance can be a daunting task by yourself. With ecosystem ponds for instance, safely catching all of your fish and storing them in an aerated tank, draining the pond and picking out all the gunk and debris, then power washing the rock and gravel before pumping out that smelly sludge is a lot of work. Water feature maintenance is a dirty job but it has to be done. Give Beyond Ponds a call and we’ll come out with our crew and take care of all your water feature maintenance needs. The only thing you should have to worry about is how to enjoy your water feature!

Whether you have a major problem or your ecosystem pond just needs to be cleaned we can handle all of your maintenance needs. Our water feature maintenance department specializes in rehabs, repairs, renovations, clean-outs, shutdowns, upgrades, and water treatments in Essex County.


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Spring Maintenance

Spring ecosystem pond cleaning is very important. This annual water feature maintenance simulates mother nature's flushing action that occurs during heavy spring rains. This flushing action creates a healthy new start for good bacteria to colonize and helps control algae blooms.

During a spring pond cleaning we remove the fish and place them in aerated holding tanks. We then drain and pressure wash the pond. Removing any muck and debris. Pond filters and lights are inspected and then any shifted rock or gravel is adjusted. We fertilize or divide aquatic plants as necessary. We acclimate the fish as the ecosystem pond is filling and you are ready for another season of enjoyment!

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Fall Maintenance

Ecosystem pond cleaning in the fall is not necessary but a highly recommended form of water feature maintenance. During this time we partially drain the pond and use a net to scoop out any leaf debris that was not caught by the skimmer and has sunken to the bottom of the pond. We don't drain and power wash at this time because fish are preparing for their winter hibernation and we do not want to add any unnecessary stress.

We recommend having your ecosystem pond netted in the fall to catch falling leaves before they have a chance to enter the pond. These two services will reduce your workload having to scoop leaves and constantly check the skimmer as well as reduce your overall water feature maintenance.

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Winter Maintenance

Winter water feature maintenance comes down to you making the tough decision whether to leave your water feature running or to shut it down until spring.

If you decide you want to leave the waterfall going in your ecosystem pond throughout the winter so you can enjoy the ice formations we will get everything ready so you have nothing to worry about until spring.

If you decide to shut it down and reopen it in the spring we will have to prepare your pumps for winter so they do not get damaged and then add aeration, and a floating heater. It is crucial to the health of your fish to keep a hole in the ice so gasses can exchange.

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Algae control

We've also shared in the headache of trying to rid our water features of algae. It is possible, it just takes time and work. We have some tips and tricks to help make that happen sooner and allow you to spend less time maintaining your water feature and more time enjoying it.

We have short term and long term water feature maintenance solutions to clear up the problem and help your ecosystem pond mature and balance itself out so mother nature works for you instead of against you. Each pond is a unique environment and needs its own diagnosis and treatment.


Water feature inspiration Gallery

Every water feature is unique but our past projects in Essex County are a great starting point to creating YOUR paradise.